965 51 43 00 - Plaça Bisbe Vilaplana, 3, 03788 Alcalá de la Jovada valldealcala@hotmail.com

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Improvement in health services in La Vall d’Alcalà

After much effort and time invested in it, we are very happy to inform our neighbors of Valle de Alcalá that it has been possible to increase the days in which the doctor and the nurse will come to consult our municipalities. Alcala de la Jovada. Before they only had...

Sant Antoni Festivities 2020 – 2

This year we have celebrated the 75th anniversary of this beloved festival in La Vall d'Alcalà and, in addition, we have added the joy of declaring this holiday, a Local Tourist Interest. At present, the party is still struggling to be recognized as an Intangible...

Sant Antoni 2020 Festivities

This weekend in La Vall d'Alcalà, we celebrate Sant Antoni. Come and enjoy a tradition that this year celebrates 75 years of history, enjoy the music, the burning of the pine and the Sunday breakfast by the festivals of San Antonio 2020. We wait for you!    ...

Informative Note 2

Informative Note 2 Valle de Alcalá. Alcalá de la Jovada and Beniaia. We remain informed of what we do, what happens and will happen to our people.   [embeddoc url="http://www.lavalldalcala.es/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/NOTA-INFORMATIVA-Vall-dAlcalaÌ-2.pdf"...

Pilarica Festivities 2019-2

Last weekend in La Vall d'Alcalà we will celebrate the Fiestas de la Pilarica and we will have the Gorga and El Marell music bands that filled the streets of Alcalà de la Jovada on Saturday 12th ' October. On the morning of the same Saturday, Mass was celebrated in...