965 51 43 00 - Plaça Bisbe Vilaplana, 3, 03788 Alcalá de la Jovada valldealcala@hotmail.com

This year we have celebrated the 75th anniversary of this beloved festival in La Vall d’Alcalà and, in addition, we have added the joy of declaring this holiday, a Local Tourist Interest. At present, the party is still struggling to be recognized as an Intangible Asset of Local Relevance.

All this has been possible thanks to the work of the administration of the City of La Vall d’Alcalà, the great work of the La Roca Association and the tireless work of individual people that have made it possible for this festival the importance it deserves is recognized.

This festival begins one week before the day of the Cremà, the previous Saturday, the Festers of Sant Antoni carried out the plantà of the pí, in case you missed it, here are some photos of the day.


Already on the 18th and despite the bad weather, the party passed without any problems and at the agreed time the pine was burned which later fell around 22:30. At 12 o’clock in the night the “Grupo Ñ” orchestra started performing, which managed to make the whole town dance.


The next morning, as the tradition puts it, at 7:30 the Aurora started, where people sang the San Antonio song around the village, ending at the Bisbe Vilaplana Square where the festers were waiting for them with chocolate. and fritters.


At the end, the festers set out to tour the town, asking the neighbors for the sausages, at 10:30 to proceed to the famous roast of sausages and sausages that this year and due to the rain the Cooperative.


Finally and for the same reason, the procession could not be performed but Mass in Honor of San Antonio.