965 51 43 00 - Plaça Bisbe Vilaplana, 3, 03788 Alcalá de la Jovada valldealcala@hotmail.com

Baked Rice


  • 1.5 liters of cooked broth
  • 200 gr. Chopped pork rib
  • 500 gr. of rice
  • 250 gr of cooked chickpeas.
  • 2 split ripe tomatoes
  • 3 potatoes, sliced
  • 4 onion sausages
  • 100 gr. Pork bacon
  • 1 head of garlic
  • Saffron or yellow food coloring
  • Salt

  • Set the oven to warm up.
  • In the earthenware pan, on the fire of the kitchen, to taste the head of garlic, the ribs and the bacon.
  • Once browned, add the rice and chickpeas, which will also be slightly tender.
  • Finally add potatoes, cut into thick slices, and black pudding. Suffering.
  • Add cooked broth, boiling, and saffron or coloring.
  • Put the pan in the oven and lower the oven temperature to 180-200 degrees.
  • Leave to cook for 40 minutes
  • Once cooked, remove the casserole from the oven and let stand the dish for 5 minutes.