965 51 43 00 - Plaça Bisbe Vilaplana, 3, 03788 Alcalá de la Jovada valldealcala@hotmail.com

City Hall

Meet our Town Hall, composition, budgets, ordinances, …


Our history, street map, our gastronomy, our town in images, …

La Vall D'Alcala. Alicante, pueblo a pueblo

Located inside the Marina Alta, La Vall d’Alcalà appears between mountains with an important historical legacy behind it dating back to the Muslim leader Al-Azraq.

Electronic Office

All procedures with your City Council at a click.

Contractor Profile

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Transparency, access to public information and good governance

Bulletin board

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News in the Vall d’Alcalá
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Local Journal

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Municipal ordinances

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Tourism in La Vall d’Alcalà
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Places of interest

Town hall

Local pool

Camping Alcalá

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